Whiplash FAQs

Whiplash FAQs from Bay City Rehab and Wellness

Doctors diagnose more than 120,000 cases of whiplash each year. Many of those cases progress into chronic symptoms if the sufferer doesn't seek treatment for them. Bay City Rehab & Wellness in Tampa, FL can assist you if you believe you have a case of whiplash. The following is some information about the condition, its causes, and the treatment you can receive for it.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a painful condition that medical professionals use to describe a neck sprain. It can happen in a wide variety of instances, but the most common causes are the result of an auto accident injury.

What Causes Whiplash?

Whiplash occurs because of an abrupt movement of the neck, which causes it to crack. The neck snaps back and forth violently, and the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, and roots undergo damage during the process. It's a common auto accident injury, but whiplash can also occur as an occupational injury, and exercise-related accident, or the aftermath of a fight.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Stiffness and pain in the neck are the most common symptoms of whiplash. An affected person may also experience symptoms that aren't quite as obvious. Alternative symptoms of whiplash include headaches, ear ringing, shoulder pain, sleep disturbances, visual problems, memory loss, and concentration problems.

How Do You Treat Whiplash?

An experienced chiropractor can use a variety of methods to treat whiplash. Some techniques that he or she may use include methods such as injections, medications, corrective exercises, hot and cold therapies, or muscle and bone manipulation procedures. The quickest way to find a treatment plan for yourself is to schedule a consultation with a reputable chiropractic service provider.

Contact Bay City Rehab and Wellness as Your Whiplash Specialist Now

Bay City Rehab & Wellness in Tampa is ready to talk to you about your possible whiplash case. Our facility has been assisting patients suffering from whiplash for years and has been successful in helping patients to improve the quality of their lives. Call (813) 874-2646 to schedule an appointment and let us help with your illness or injury.

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